beyond the limits set by others
Articles that can help you in your work, so that you may experience the joy of meaning in work that supports both yourself and others
With over 30 years of experience across more industries and job roles than most people I know, I have managed to develop a strong understanding of not only what it takes to be a successful leader, but also what exceptional skills are consistently overlooked in up-and-coming leaders that are literall...
What would you say if I told you that it is possible to always have the right answers at your fingertips, to support your growth and that of others without planning a thing?
You’d likely say, I must be mad. Yet that is exactly what every person was born to be able to do.
I am talking about the i...
Sure, let’s change everything as long as I don’t have to change, seems to be the order of the day.
This is the somewhat unpopular viewpoint of those happy to complain about what is going wrong. Yet, when it comes to participation they have all the excuses in the world not to participate.
In chan...
Just like everything in life, there are beginnings and endings to every situation and everything living. Yet we so often try to avoid them, which leads to nothing but endless suffering.
This is a relatively common topic openly discussed throughout hundreds, if not thousands of years in yogic philo...
Is your organisation embarking on a business transformation program?
If you are and you haven’t taken a solid look at your culture, you had better get ready for what picking off the proverbial scabs, can do to your culture in a business transformation program.
If your organisation is already hav...
I have read a lot about how important it is to include others in the workplace, some of whom we have an unfortunate habit of calling people with disabilities.
We've learned this unfortunate phase in humanity through social and cultural conditioning. Whilst casting these shadows on others, it is do...
Today, let's try something different from the onset and begin with a whole new idea. An idea, which if you are at all like the leader I once was, might make you somewhat uncomfortable.
Instead of applying the age-old norm of playing the game of following the leader, how about we explore if we can ...
There are literally hundreds of change management strategies in the transformation marketplace, with organisations far too readily hanging their hats on what some like to call the tried and tested.
Yet, what we all should be asking ourselves is, who is deciding this ridiculous claim?
In my caree...
We are now firmly living in the land of digital transformation, and there is no turning back. Organisations on masse, whether by choice or by pressure, are seeking to transform in some significant and costly ways. However, it would appear that we have forgotten the main ingredient, our people, which...
Why are we still structuring organisations like we are stuck in the Industrial Age when it is clear the revolution is here?
It might sound like a stupid question, but as hard as it may be to grasp, it is a reality we simply cannot escape. We are doing it en masse, and it needs to stop if your orga...
In business transformation, it is critical to get to a place of understanding through transparent and inclusive dialogue early on, if you want true and lasting success.
So why do so many organisations take the secrecy path or fail to engage early by waiting for the perfect launch date?
It is an...
It is almost impossible to have a digital transformation conversation in business these days, without talking about frameworks. Some old and some new. Yet, I think it is fair to say that most transformations are not ticking all the boxes, unlike many of the frameworks of choice, that are currently b...
The modern workplace has changed forever. We can thank COVID19 for the fast progression to remote working, or can we?
Across the globe, there has been a gradual shift to remote working, in a variety of forms, for more than 20 years. Yet it has never really taken off on mass. COVID19 brought us an...
**We all know that a reward is a thing given in recognition of service, effort, or achievement. Sounds good right? Not always, in fact, the focus on the reward can be incredibly harmful to you individually and downright destructive to humanity. This has culminated in creating a sense of never having...
Patience! A skill lost to more than one generation that we somehow left behind. Now is the time to stop judging the generations that have come since and go back to get them.
As true leaders, our job is not to take charge of the leaders of tomorrow. In reality, it is to take responsibility for rais...
Is life feeling like Groundhog Day to you today? When you woke up this morning, did it feel like the cycle is beginning again, just like it has for what seems like forever?
This could simply be a signpost, telling you that you are stuck in a cycle, where you have forgotten to work to live, instead...
Do you procrastinate, or do you surrender to the present moment? This is a question that has come up for me many times in my life.
As I began to study yoga many years ago, I looked closely at the topic of surrender. I became somewhat intrigued to discover that in many instances in my life, I was s...
There is what would seem in our modern society a significant problem with undervaluing our worth. We seem to find it easy to value those we love and our possessions, yet for some reason, we regularly sink into a big black hole when it comes to the value we place on ourselves.
Why is this so? For...
When a storm rolls into your life, it is easy to get caught up in the flurry of it all. Feeling like the strong pull of the storm happens with or without your desire to support it. If this is you, know that you are not alone, and it is more common than you might think.
Do you feel the pull of the ...
In the Western world, it is not uncommon for Yoga to be considered merely exercise. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Yoga in business has the potential to be incredibly powerful and transformational.
It is a well-known fact that before COVID-19, employee dissatisfaction was at an all-time...