The hypernormalisation epidemic - has it made us all both the victim and perpetrator
by Jeanette Peterson

We often talk about hyper-normalisation as if we are doing comedy standup. We see it everywhere, yet we are now actually normalising hypernormalisation itself. This is how problematic it is to normalise things that are good for a few economically speaking, which is exponentially growing the factor of hypernormalisation at an alarming rate.
What if the normalising of hypernormalisation is an entire societal problem that has crept slowly under the radar everywhere, to the extent that we are no longer just the victim, but in reality now playing both the role of victim and perpetrator?
Hypernormalisation is on a trajectory that is steering humanity to extinction. It is well known that populations fall dramatically during times of war. When you keep the war machines going through the military-industrial complex, from one country to the next, people are just collateral damage in the money-making machine of war. Whilst we are tricked into forever chasing deliberate man-made terrorist organisations one after another.
If you thought I was a conspiracy theorist you’d probably say, ‘Are you telling me that we’ve all fallen for hypernormalisation, and we didn’t even realise?’ That must be impossible, right?
On the other hand, if I told you I was a psychology professor who quoted some scientific theory and research, you might say ‘Hang on a minute, how did we not see that coming?’
So instead let’s take a new road completely. I want to take you on a journey using my intuitive wisdom, rolled in with some self-realisation, and combine it with a healthy dose of spatial awareness and critical thinking. It is through this path that I will shed some light on social and cultural conditioning that we’ve all been exposed to, now at dangerously toxic levels, completely without our consent.
Then, if you are courageous enough to stick with me and keep it real, you might pick up what I’m putting down. To do this you need to keep an open mind to something you may have completely missed. If you have missed it don’t worry, you are in good company with the vast majority.
This concept doesn’t require you to flip your mind three hundred and sixty degrees initially. It just requires you to be open enough, to activate your curiosity, so that you may open the door, even just a crack, to something that could be completely new. Then it’s up to you what conclusions you choose to draw yourself.
But first, let’s begin with some questions to invoke your curiosity and possibly help you open that door, just a crack.
Have you ever watched a movie about a hitman, found it hilarious in a satirical kind of way and riveted by every gory image, unable to look away?
Have you ever read a book about war, riveted by every word and unable to put it down?
An example of this might be a classic movie like ‘pulp fiction’, or a more modern take like the recent movie ‘hitman’. Or even a documentary depicting animals like lions constantly killing, well lionesses to be more accurate. I digress. That’s a whole other topic right there if you want to get into how broken the hypernormalisation of gender is.
Have you ever laughed about murder used in standup comedy or joked about murder in random conversations with your friends?
Comical satire about killing in standup comedy is so common, that it is unlikely you’ve missed this one. As is how commonly we use the words ‘I am going to kill you’, jokingly.
In an increasing number of countries throughout the world, it would seem to us in the West, that the lives of some are precious, and not so much for others, based on their ethnicity, education, financial status, religion or gender. Yet when you feel that sentence with a hand on your heart, isn’t that discrimination? Does that mean it’s just discrimination when talking about the people we know and love, not others?
When you separate yourself from someone else so that you no longer relate to them equally as a human being, what do they become to you? Does this make your child somebody and someone else’s child nobody? This is why division is so important. It is the very thing that makes the normalisation of violence and killing so easy to perpetuate across society.
In comedy, it is often said that everything is fair game. But, should it be? Should the comical normalisation of violence and killing be joked about at all?
I have brought this up many times in my life, only to be labelled a stick in the mud or too serious. When in reality I’m not an overly serious person at all. I love to laugh, just not at violence and killing. I imagine if someone you loved died through violence, and someone made a joke about it, you would not find it funny at all.
Another good way to look at it is to remember that every instance of violence or death of any living being, is the suffering and grief of someone else. Just because you don’t know that someone else, see that someone else, or believe that someone else’s suffering matters, does not reduce their suffering. As would it equally not reduce your suffering either, should the roles be reversed.
So it would seem we have decided that violence and killing are considered funny as long as it doesn’t happen to people we love directly! Welcome to your role of victim and perpetrator, in the hypernormalisation of violence and killing.
It can be a hard reality to face when we realise that all of society has participated as both the victim and the perpetrator in the normalising of hypernormalisation itself. We may all not be the actual direct perpetrators of violence or killing. Yet, it’s almost worse, because we all participate as victims and perpetrators of normalising the acts of violence and killing that others are doing.
If you are still thinking to yourself well it’s all meant in good fun because it is all just entertainment. Yet, in reality, all you have to do is watch or listen to the news daily that starts with all the murders, shootings, rapes and stabbings happening every day. In the West violence and killing are taking the main stage of news, which has become part of the hypernormalisation machine itself. Keeping the vast majority trapped in fear, with some kind of them versus us mentality, as if we’ve been backed into a corner and everyone is out to get us.
Why does the news always give their main focus on all the apparent bad things happening, by amplifying violence and killing?
What if we applied greater focus on the good things happening in the world in the news?
What would the world look like if we no longer sensationalised violence and killing through entertainment?
Do you believe taking another person’s life is ever OK? I bet you would say ‘of course not’. Well, then what about war?
Congratulations! Welcome to the world of hypernormalisation of the apparent necessary killing of innocent people during wars.
Right under our noses, in every place we live, work and play we have been impacted by normalisation and have participated in normalising violence and killing, in movies, TV, the news, comedy and endless wars, directly through our participation and acceptance, whether it was intentional or not.
What if I said, ‘I didn’t find pulp fiction or the hitman funny at all?’ I’d bet you’d say, it’s just a movie, lighten up, don’t be so serious, it’s not real.
Yet the lines between movies and reality have become non-existent for millions of people in many countries around the world right now, in wars that continue to escalate with millions of violent deaths.
We are now, more than ever before in history, witnessing real violence and death first-hand. People are sharing their suffering first-hand, graphically directly through social media, from their phones to yours, via your computers and TV, just like in movies.
Could the hypernormalisation of such graphic and realistic violent movies in the West we've all been conditioned to watch for years, make us less susceptible to the reality of war felt by humanity? I think it is reasonable to suggest it has. Let’s face it, whether the screen is a movie screen, your phone or your computer they all look the same. The sad reality is that millions of the people you are seeing now all over social media are not actors, but real people suffering, with real families just like you.
Is that funny? I think we’d all agree it is not.
What about hearing about forty thousand Palestinians being killed and millions of people displaced with no safe place to go? Or millions of soldiers dying fighting in continuous wars for hundreds if not thousands of years? Does it feel real to you?
Does what is happening in numerous genocides around the world right now impact your life at all? Is the current status of the world affecting you so much that you are overwhelmed and literally can’t function properly? Or is it just out of sight, out of mind?
All the countries where genocide is happening right now, have millions of people who want to live a long and joyful life just like you. They want to keep their children safe and were once in your fortunate position. If we don’t use our fortunate position to stop the hypernormalisation of violence and killing, it will make it to you, me and everyone else. It’s just a matter of time because it’s already being accepted and the actual perpetrators of the violence are not being held to account by humanity at all. These perpetrators are visiting other countries, including your own and returning home to many countries, being treated like heroes.
Is this the world you want to create for your children and the generations to come?
The answers you gave to the previous questions, will either alarm you to discover you have deliberately or unintentionally succumbed to the hypernormalisation of violence and killing, or be confirmation that you have seen right through the greatest deception and psychological experiment ever conducted on the human race.
If you don’t understand a thing I am saying here, it’s ok because we’ve been mass hypernormalised without our consent, like probably more than 90% of the entire human race. Now you know it’s time to be part of the solution, instead of the problem. It is not the time to stick your head in the sand and pretend like nothing is happening.
What if I told you that you can open your eyes at any time, see it and immediately stop participating?
How do I know this?
I discovered the deception of hypernormalisation of violence and killing for myself, along with a growing number of others. You can take another look at any time and decide to stop participating. People are willing to support you to find your way out of this dilemma of humanity.
It is never too late to course correct in life. Why? Because if you don’t, you are a participant, in the same way, that if you aren’t part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
The current circumstances could quite possibly be one of humanity’s greatest signposts. Where, as a species, we either follow the path of evolution or extinction.
What you choose to do next is important for us all.
You have more power than you might think to shift the narrative entirely. Why? Because the current narrative is completely reliant on your complicity.
What can you do?
Here are just three easy steps you can take to get you on your way, and begin to stop your participation as both the victim and perpetrator of the hypernormalisation of violence and killing:-
You can stop watching the mainstream news and begin to widen your view by seeking other alternative potential news outlets and there are literally thousands of them.
You can stop supporting a movie industry that is deliberately normalizing violence and killing by either cancelling subscription TV and streaming applications or by being more selective by both what and how much you watch. Then get outdoors in nature with your family and friends experiencing the beauty that exists all around us.
You can work to rebuild your spacial and self-awareness to learn to see how violence and killing are being normalized around you and remove yourself from those situations or call others out when they participate, creating a more positive experience in your life and that of your children’s lives too.
There are many more that you will begin to uncover, once you make a start in the right direction. You will begin to see normalisation everywhere, yet you will now be armed in a much better way to help yourself and others escape the trap of hypernormalisation not just in the violence and killing of people, but in all other areas where hypernormalisation exists in our society.
Together we can make the world a better place and evolve into the next level of humanity connected in love, instead of divided by the hypernormalisation of hate.
Are you with me?
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You've got this!
Much love to you all