The youthful reckoning of the morality of humanity

by Jeanette Peterson

The youthful reckoning of the morality of humanity

The world has gone completely mad when we start playing the blame game at every level of society, rather than taking moral responsibility seriously.

As Israel continues to unashamedly declare itself to be the most moral army in the world on mainstream media, they are committing genocide in Palestine right under our noses.

When we turn away, so that we may deny knowing, we are not only saying with our actions that we are not responsible. We are in effect, with our inaction, turning our back on humanity entirely.

We are all morally responsible, not only for how we bring up our children but for how we show up for all of humanity. Whether we love them, know them, see them or not is simply denying our humanity, as if a leg could deny its foot.

No one in this world is free until we are all prepared to stand up and fight for all our freedom. That includes fighting for those who we’ve never met and whom may never be able to thank us.

That is the very enactment of moral responsibility that we are now seeing on mass at universities all over the world.

Can you honestly say that you are completely morally responsible?

Have you ever enforced a rule that you thought you had no choice over because you were told you must, by some kind of legal authority or so you thought?

Morality is a choice, just like every other decision you make in life. That responsibility is now coming home to roost, in ways that are clearly articulating just how morally bankrupt our entire Western society has become.

You might think; that is a tall claim. Yet, when you begin to understand what is coming next without the bias blinkers of the blame game, you might start to see what’s happening in the Western world, for the first time.

On masse, thousands of businesses throughout the West have blindly followed government vaccine mandates without so much as a blink of an eye.

In one fell swoop, bodily autonomy vanished completely, on all our watches in the West. Businesses chose compliance over people’s human rights to decide for themselves.

We allowed governments and non-elected entities to make choices for our children’s bodily autonomy. That sentence right there is a lot to take in. All this is more likely happening by design, rather than accident.

Blind following robbed most of society of our ability to use rational thinking and common sense judgment. If you did what some did, some correlations of the flu statistics with COVID statistics in the last 10 years, with a rational and open mind. You might have seen some things that jump right off the page. Yet most people haven’t realised that the flu, before COVID-19, killed many elderly and immune-compromised people for years. I heard in workplace corridors for years, during free flu shot offers, doctors complaining how people didn’t take the flu seriously. Yet if I said that openly in public at the time of COVID-19, I would have been labelled by a blindly following society as a conspiracy theorist. Yet there is no conspiracy, just Bureau of Statistics data that anyone with half a brain could find if they looked.

As if all that of COVID-19 was not enough for today’s youth to deal with. Under our watch, entire generations of children had their childhood, literally stolen in the worst technology experiment of our time. The alarming findings just starting to come to light, due to our blind following of the technology boom that has taken the world by storm, are nothing short of terrifying. Most children in the West had their lives overtaken by this technology boom, interfering with their childhood development. Whilst, technology billionaires were creating schools to keep their children technology-free to protect their development.

Guess what, now the law is beginning to swing back and court rulings all over the Western world are finding vaccination mandates were unlawful. Not to mention that courts are also ruling that businesses that followed the mandates are now legally liable for the injuries caused by COVID-19 vaccinations.

What this could suddenly mean for small family businesses, will be difficult to imagine for most. However, no one is immune to legal impact in a twist of irony, because if you chose conformity over morality and you own a business it could be coming for you too. After all, now there is legal precedence.

Do you own a business? Did you inadvertently choose conformity over morality?

Did you choose money over individuals’ rights to self-determination of their own health?

If you look out into the world with open eyes, you might see that self-determination is under threat and plagued by the self-interests of a few, in many more ways than one.

Those in society who chose morality through COVID-19 lost everything. Yet, they can sleep at night knowing they chose morality in the toughest time they likely have and are still having to face, in their entire lifetime.

What did you choose?

The experiences of COVID-19 and beyond may have huge lessons to deliver to the vast majority of the Western world.

Collectively it would seem we chose conformity over moral responsibility!

If that hurts to hear, it should!

If the next thing you say is that you had no choice. You are now playing the blame game. I know it is a very bitter pill for most of those in Western society to swallow. However, the only way forward is to accept full responsibility for our roles. That is what grown-ups do, right?

The people who took the moral high ground were ridiculed and likely lost everything. Their family, friends and work colleagues all turned their back on them, in the most horrific moral dilemma experiment I’ve seen in my lifetime.

For, if humanity is to return to Western society at all. It is time to step up and admit responsibility for the roles we each played. To take ownership of all our shortcomings of morality. To accept that you may have chosen through fear to protect your wallet over standing up for others. Remember that the foundations of society's acceptance and propagation of personal debt created a solid platform on which to get trapped in the money/fear pit. Again more likely by design than by accident.

Fear as dabilitating as it is, is an excuse that we use to shirk our responsibility. We are all crazily stuck in a world that has tricked us into striving to be perfect, instead of accepting our flaws. Mistakes happen and so do poor choices, it’s called life. Self-aware grown-ups move on.

There is a generation of young people rising. Like a phoenix from the ashes, they are rediscovering the humanity stolen from them, right under our noses.

There is a reckoning being waged across university campuses around the world. Millions of young people are standing with humanity, shoulder to shoulder with their brothers and sisters in Palestine.

They cannot and will not be stopped. This young generation may have been written off by many. However, they might just save us all!

Their bravery should be honoured by us all stepping up to support them. It is time for humanity to let young people take the lead and for us to follow them with everything we have.

In reality, what you do next makes all the difference. Accepting the role you play in other people’s life can be cathartic. We used to teach our children that if they made a choice that turns out to be the wrong one, it’s ok. You just need to accept responsibility for it, sincerely apologise and adjust your course in the right direction.

Humanity needs a course correction!

Where are you playing in the game of morality?

Are you taking ownership or are you hiding behind blame?

If you think blaming someone else will save you, think again. You may be vastly underestimating the power that guilt is playing in undermining many people’s lives, through a 300%+ increase in anxiety and depression-related health problems.

While we all think heart disease and cancer are killing so many, the underlying stress that exists in our bodies is allowing these diseases to take hold in the first place through an epidemic of oxidative stress of the very cells that we are all built of. Denying or normalisation of stress in the body does not make it go away.

Moral responsibility is all our responsibility, not just for others, but also for our own well-being! Why? Because we are all connected.

Just like most of us would quickly step up if we saw a child in need. It’s time to fully shoulder our full lion’s share of moral responsibility, if the beautiful humanity that exists deep within us all, is going to survive.

If we don’t step up and learn this vital lesson from COVID-19, along with all that has transpired since. Unfortunately, most of humanity is likely doomed.

The choice is yours.

What you choose next is up to you.

Today, many of us are choosing moral humanity, and we are waiting and ready for you to join us.

Everyone is welcome. That is the beauty of humanity.

Much love to you all.