Western colonisation and the downfall of humanity
by Jeanette Peterson

The Palestinian flag has fast become the international identity for the plight of humanity, yet in reality are they simply shining a light on the plight of all of humanity by sharing their story with the rest of the world?
We are beginning to understand that Palestine is not the only country with a tyranical oppressor problem, when you remove the veil that is hiding it literally in every Western country around the world, where we all believed that we were free.
In Australia, eight times more Aboriginals are in prisons than there were in South Africa during the last ten years of Apartheid.
That says a lot don’t you think!
‘Rack and stacking’, is what they call the aboriginal prison systems in Australia, quoted by a Western Australian minister for corrective services between 2006–2008.
Rottnest Island, a tourist destination off the coast of Western Australia, was a concentration camp for Aboriginals, with a mass grave of over 300 Aboriginals, which for a long time was not even marked with a memorial and a road that drives straight through the middle. At one point, it was even a campground. If you think it can’t get worse, it does. The concentration camp became a hotel where the cells crammed 51 Aboriginals in the same area, became a family room for 4 people, and the morgue was the kitchen where food was prepared. At the time, there was no comment on the history of the island in tourist information and not a single memorial.
In an incredibly appalling irony, a hotel there has been named Karma Day Spa and Hotel. I have no words that are enough to show my absolute disgust for such blatant disrespect for Aboriginal people.
How do I know this, you might be thinking. Well, I didn’t know this for a very long time, and neither likely do you. This is not at all by accident, but rather, by design.
I went there as a tourist many years ago. I likely by accident walked across a sacred burial site. When I discovered this I cried. Not only for the deceit of my government but also for my ignorance. In this moment I was not only embarrassed to consider myself Australian but also to have British heritage.
This is just one example of too many hideous truths hidden from us the Australian people for 240 years, since as white Europeans, we stole the land of Aboriginal people and settled in as if no one else was here. Whilst hidden out of site for 240 years, our government and the elite who now own the media, mining, food, banking, healthcare, education, and likely profiteer from the prisons in which the Aboriginal people of Australia are disappearing into at an alarming rate.
If this isn’t sounding familiar yet, the reason might be because Western governments all around the world are trying to hide an apartheid and ethnic cleansing of Palestine, on display to the entire world on social media, all be it no matter how hard they try to distract us all with all their lies and propaganda. That includes indiscriminate killing of unarmed men, women and children.
Why is what is happening in Palestine, so important to hide from us all?
It is quite simple. Once you connect the dots of the repeating patterns, it becomes clear that apartheid is happening in every Western country, right under our noses. You now don’t need to look far to find the evidence in your very own backyard, once you become aware of the patterns of settlements in countries where repetitively European white people declared there was nobody and nothing but baron land there, when they arrived.
All the while, white Australians either turn a blind eye to our very own Apartheid, or are shamelessly ignorant to the plight of one of the oldest peoples on the planet.
The word settlements has been used time and time again in history, in Australian, American, New Zealand, and likely many other countries history stories, as a description to conceal the stealing of the land of other peoples, just like Israel is doing in Palestine. We go to such lengths to conceal our theft, that we even change the names of countries on maps. Then we brainwash our children in schools, with our Apartheid white-washed history (his story) lessons, and generations pass, without so much as a blip on the radar.
Yet the grim reality is, name change or not, if you live in a western country you are someone who has participated in the theft of someone else’s homeland.
I know this is hard to accept particularly if you did not know. This ignorance may have seemed like bliss for settlers in the beginning. However, that ignorance has now come back to bite us all because once you know, it is not an excuse to continue.
There were 5,500,000 aboriginal peoples living in Australia when Europeans came and declared it terra nulius, meaning nobody’s land. How convenient it was to lie and say there was nobody here.
Sounds familiar right? The Israeli propaganda machine has declared that before they came the land was baron, yet it was in fact a beautiful lush and prosperous country called Palestine. This is what settler colonialism has done in every Western country.
It is a bitter pill for us all to swallow but the truth will set us all free. I myself, am a British settler. As much as it pains me to realise that I have participated in Apartheid. It is the reality that we must all face in Western countries, so that we may take responsibility to undo the damage we have done, paving a better way forward in unity with the beautiful people who were here before us.
The people of Palestine are fighting for us all to see what is happening in our own backyard, by showing us the graphic and horrific detail of what is happening right now for them. The apartheid and ethnic cleansing of their people by a brutal state that the Western world has called Israel, on the land of the Palestinian people.
Whilst a Westerner or unsuspecting tourist pays $2000 a night in an eco-lodge overlooking Uluṟu, also known as Ayres Rock in central Australia, the local aboriginal community there is living in deadly housing literally riddled with asbestos.
In stark reality, we know this would never be tolerated in white settlements, yet it has gone on for 240 years.
Our government tells us constant lies that they are funding the Aboriginal housing problem, not to mention the huge health problems that exist for the poorest communities so remote that they barely have access to running water little own, medical treatment that is hundreds of kilometres away from people with no transportation to get to anyone for help.
The only Aboriginal people who get support are those who submit and conform to Western white-imposed government demands. As if they don’t have a right to choose how they want to live through self-determination. Instead, they are subjected to appalling conditions if they choose not to conform, just like in Palestine and America. The similarities are terrifying to say the very least.
There is a book by a Palestinian author called ‘The 100-year war on Palestine’. Whilst under our noses Australia has waged a 240-year war on Aboriginal people, America a 400-year war on Native American Indians and New Zealand’s ongoing treatment of the native Māori people is nothing short of appalling as well.
How many indigenous people across the world have suffered at the hands of white Apartheid systems imposed by European settlers that seem to be relentless in their pursuit of power and control?
Yet what do we do in Western countries?
We propagate the endless propaganda from the apartheid bullies again and again, gleefully doing the elite’s dirty work, dehumanising ancient peoples all around the world.
We have allowed them to divide and conquer us on mass, but I am pleased to say their game is totally up.
When are we in the West going to stop the apartheid of allowing our governments, funded by rich white elites, to continue the ethnic cleansing of all indigenous people?
These people already know our real history handed down through their people for generations. They too also know how to care for this beautiful planet Earth, that we all call home. It would seem, much better than white European settlers who continue to take what they like to line their own pockets.
It is time to face the wars within ourselves to find personal peace so that humanity can truly find peace collectively. Our native peoples are ready to move forward with us in peaceful unity against all our oppressors.
First, we need to shine some light on these oppressors for who they are. Palestinians are bravely showing all of humanity the way forward.
The question is; Are you prepared to wake up from this nightmare, face the truth and finally heal so that humanity can heal, allowing us to evolve collectively?
The young people of the world are leading the way with literally tens of millions of people protesting in almost every country, yet the media propaganda machine is trying to hide it from you.
TikTok has fast become the only place to get some semblance of truth. If you are not on TikTok you are likely blind behind the smokescreen of deception.
If you are one of the young people leading the charge I am with you and have been for over 40 years.
If you are over 40 and don’t believe me, I strongly suggest you either join us or get out of the way because the new version of humanity is fast approaching and you are about to be mowed down by love whilst you remain trapped in fear.
Humanity, we have got this because the game is up. And the oppressor can no longer escape us in our millions.
It is time to unite all humanity, for no one is free until we all are free!
The children of tomorrow are depending on us to give them a future they all deserve.
Love to you all, my brothers & sisters of humanity.