

beyond the limits set by others

Articles that can help you in your work, so that you may experience the joy of meaning in work that supports both yourself and others

Sure, let’s change everything as long as I don’t have to change, seems to be the order of the day.

This is the somewhat unpopular viewpoint of those happy to complain about what is going wrong. Yet, when it comes to participation they have all the excuses in the world not to participate.

In chan...

I have read a lot about how important it is to include others in the workplace, some of whom we have an unfortunate habit of calling people with disabilities.

We've learned this unfortunate phase in humanity through social and cultural conditioning. Whilst casting these shadows on others, it is do...

There are literally hundreds of change management strategies in the transformation marketplace, with organisations far too readily hanging their hats on what some like to call the tried and tested.

Yet, what we all should be asking ourselves is, who is deciding this ridiculous claim?

In my caree...